Elliott batTzedek is a Pushcart-nominated bookseller, poet, and liturgist who lives in Philadelphia and organizes literary events at Main Point Books in Wayne, PA. She holds an MFA in Poetry and Poetry in Translation from Drew University. Her poems and translations have been published in: American Poetry Review, Massachusetts Review, Lilith, I-70 Review, Hunger Mountain Review, Sakura Review, Apiary, Cahoodaloodaling, Naugatuck River Review, Poemeleon, Poetica, Philadelphia Stories, and a Split This Rock poem of the week. Her chapbook the enkindled coal of my tongue was published in 2017 by Wicked Banshee Press. A chapbook of translations from Shez, A Necklace of White Pearls, is forthcoming from Moonstone Press in 2024.
Two poems by Elliott batTzedek
Updated: May 1, 2024