Wile e. Coyote blasted by TNT
coyote is falling down a cliff …
always falling,
with gravity,
never against gravity;
no-one puts a cushion,
at the cliff bottom,
for coyote’s bottom!
no viewer cares:
did coyote die?
all children root 4 road runner!
nobody shops Acme with coyote,
before the cartoon starts,
coyote, already has his hunting gadgets.
no children care that coyote loses,
nobody feeds coyote,
coyote ends,
each cartoon,
Wile e. Coyote Shopping 4 TNT
2 Acme coyote go
Acme website TNT bogo
get dynamite for my foe
bogo, 2 sticks for 1, amigo
red sticks not on sale
4” wick too long
green sticks, a quick TNT trail
2” wick, kaboom, dynamite gone
on prairie road winds blow out match
wind resistant match lights
wind > 20 mph, match not catch
wind resistant matches flame stays bright
at checkout, first aid kit on sale
buy roadrunner jerky for a snack
coyote blasted, bandaid, not save coyote’s tail
coyote chomp jerky, plan roadrunner attack
Acme loyalty card, coyote’s friend
coyote lives 2 shop Acme again!
Jack Warner visits Wile e. Coyote in ICU
coyote lights TNT wick
roadrunner meepmeeps bye
coyote’s cartoon fate is fixed
coyote blasted 2 the sky
coyote falls down a cliff
cell phone dials animal 911
coyote lies stiff
can coyote live?
Nurse: visiting hours r over. Its u Mr. Warner, go right in.
Coyote: (Lying faceless in a hospital bed)
Warner :
Where’s your face? I’ll have you redrawn.
Wiley, the Acme catalogue, page 5, a holiday special: red & green dynamite sticks.
Sorry, the studio didn’t invite u 2 the Looney Tunes Holiday Party –Bugs Bunny is afraid of TNT.
Sorry, no voice. Ill check with Mel Blank, Ive asked Mel 2 give u lines.
Sorry, Wile, ure spending 2 much $ at Acme. November, u spent $2,000. Sylvester chases Tweetee Bird, without gadgets, can u do that?
Sorry, your coyote action figure & tnt playset was rated as unsafe 4 children.
Sorry, Coyote your ratings r bad, but my son says Coyote, Coyote, Coyote.
Sorry, too much, you & that blasted actress Bette Davis
Sorry, Wile ure cut.
Coyote (presses up on the hospital bed button, bed rises. Coyote grabs his iv tubing, pulls it out from his arm, lunges toward Warner and strangles Warner with tubing)
Porky Pig; That’s all Jack!
notes became words
the chords made with guitar strings
are called letters.
If I loved u, id say G
Johnny Cash was the 1st
to put his thumb into a chord
& rasped, Down, dOwn, down,
into a ring of fire –
with Cash, its always Down,
y’all end up fighting, then in prison,
never uP Up UP, into a cube of ice;
Frost knew both fire & ice,
& foretold the earth would end,
but earth lived after Frost,
& i try to make a guitar B Flat bar chord,
my left index finger, at 10, was too short,
all I made was a B
B 2 U
Robert Fleming lives in Lewes, DE & is a member of the Rehoboth Beach Writer’s Guild. He survived writing for > 30 years. In 2019, he was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award, as a contributor to the anthology Stonewall Legacy. He has been published in The Beat, Stonewall Legacy, Poets to Come, Poet’s Domain, Nova Bards,DE Bards, Spoonfed, Radical Fairy Diary, The Watch, California Quarterly, Dekalb Literary Arts Journal, Catalyst, & American Poetry Anthology. His poetry masters are William Shakespeare, Robert Frost, E.E. Cummings, Dorothy Parker, and John Berryman.