Winter/Spring Vol 19.1

Winter 2025
Carolyn Adams Susan Ayres DeAni Blake
CL Bledsoe Zoe Boyer Mary Buchinger Brian Builta
Alex Carrigan ​Grant Clauser Sascha Cohen
Eleanor Eichenbaum Sophie Farthing Sandra Fees
Quinn Franzen Derek Graf Reece Rowan Gritzmacher
Bronte Heron David Kozinski Mrityunjay Mohan
Paula Nancarrow Jessica Purdy David Rodriguez
David Salner ​​Dara-lyn Shrager Noah Sparrow Lillian Tzanev
jamilla vandyke-bailey T.D. Walker Xiadi Zhai
CNF/Short Prose
Emily Ellerbe Ben Gibbons Melissa Onstad Megan Williams
Emily Schulten's Easy Victims to the Charitable Deception of Nostalgia
Congratulations, Claire Rychlewski on winning a Best of the Net in Poetry for "Wifetime Visions"---
selected by C.T. Salazar, and published in our Winter/Spring issue
Read the other winners and finalists here, at Sundress.​
Congratulations to our 2024 Nominees
Best Spiritual Literature of 2024, Orison Books
"All Beings Yearn"
By Elliot batTzedek
By Francesca Leader
By Robert Okaji
Best of the Net 2024
"Rage Against The Low-Budget Claymation Studio" by Katie Baughman
"Amazon" by Ann Pedone
"Fermentation Series" by Leslie Morris
"My Freedom I Regain" by Radoslav Rochallyi
By Francesca Leader
Pushcart Prize 2024
"prayers for the namesake" jamilla vandyke-bailey
"When you put your old clothes on, I remember that I love you" Audrey Beaton
"Amazon" by Ann Pedone
"Fermentation Series" by Leslie Morris
"Mavis and Bruce" Angela Townsend
Summer/Fall 2024
Marie-Andree Auclair Katie Baughman Audrey Beaton Elliott batTzedek BEE LB
Ace Boggess Carl Boon Beth Boylan Michael Brosnan James Butler-Gruett
Alexandra Castrejon Maddy Chriest Mark Crimmins Laine Derr
Robert Fillman Mckendy Fils-Aimé E.C. Gannon Benjamin Goluboff Tyson Higel
Matt Hohner Rue Huang James Croal Jackson Philip Jason Paul Jones J.R. Kangas
Kenneth Kapp Candice Kelsey Blake Kilgore Carol Krauss Francesca Leader Pat Lerin
Torrey Malek James Maynard Shaun McMichael Caroline Fairey Meese
Stephen C. Middleton Mark Mitchell Daniel Edward Moore Cecil Morris Leslie Morris
Zach Murphy Robert Okaji Sarvin Parviz Lara Payne Ann Pedone
John Popielaski Elizabeth Porter nat raum Radoslav Rochallyi Russell Rowland
Stan Sanvel Rubin Noah B. Salamon Aarron Sholar Bill Schreiber Angela Townsend
Patricia Valdata Jamilla VanDyke-Bailey Suzannah Watchorn Stuart Watson
Michael Waterson Will Weiss Jan Wiezorek Isabelle Ylo
Reviews by James Bourey
Thaddeus Rutowski's Safe Colors
Jane Miller's Canticle for Remnant Days
Former contributor Lake Angela's newest collection, Scivias Choreomaniae, is available for pre-order.