Winter/Spring Vol 19.1
Summer--Fall 2025
Poetry, CNF, Flash & Short Fiction
“Chongqing To Beijing” by Mea Andrews
Two poems by tommy wyatt blake
“Bird Song” by Michael Blaine
“Kids In Satan’s Service” Garrett Brown
"Kensington Refrain" by Tom Busillo
“Core Memory” by Charles K Carter
“1934: The Children's Hour” by DC Diamondopolous
“Thirty-three Lessons From A Yoga Retreat” by De’Ann Drennan
Two flash pieces by Merridawn Duckler
“Two Poems’ by Hailey Fogarty
"Decrescendo" by Gary Fox
“XX” by Jason Fraley
“Small Town Charm” by Lauren Geiser
"Time/Times" by Dale Going
“Lying In A Motel Bed In Gallup New Mexico” by Kevin Grauke
“Happy Birthday” by Lydia Gwyn
“Long Division” by Jennifer Handy
“"Easter Eve In The Sangre de Cristos" by Richard Hollinger”
"An Effort To Stabilize My Internal Temperature" by Chloe Hooks
“Roomba” by James Croal Jackson
“Cruel and Unusual” by Katja Jackson
"Cartography of Hunger" by Âmî Jey
“Long Lost” by Joseph Kerschbaum
"Unmade Virgins" by Annaliese Kunst
"A Play Where You Already Know What Is Wrong" by Christina Kusterer
Two poems by Justin Lacour
“The Splendid Quetzal Lounge" by Karen Lozinski
"Catholic Sex Worker" by Maureen Martinez
“Even The Trees Get to Be Slutty” Megan McDermott
"We Rang In 2012 At The Bingo Hall In Dillsburg, PA" by Brittany Micka-Foos
"[I’ve decided I’m done]" by Jory Mickelson
"Broadway Baby Says Goodnight" by Mark J. Mitchell
"River" by Charlene Stegman Moskal
“Hiding In The Theater” GH Mosson
"The Topology Of My Bones" by Teresa Burns Murphy
“The Deer” by Arlene Naganawa
"Occasional Diaries (February 5)" by Hari B Parisi
“Thanksgiving” by Garth Pavell
“Car Ride To The Clinic” by Dan Pinkerton
“How To Quit The Play” by Miren Rosenkotz
“Chartreuse” by Thaddeus Rutkowksi
"Lying" by Nina King Sannes
“Spider Mother” by Aaron Sholar
“Genre” by Samn Stockwell
"Mary Tyler Moore Wonders Who Will Write Her Obituary” Alex Stolis
“Bleeding Title” by Liam Strong
"Hadas de la Pildora" by BJ Taylor
"Antiseptic" by Crystal Taylor
“Stone” Lily Tobias
"my lover asked me to write a contrapuntal and i said how did you get in my bed?" by Mal Virich
"Faded-Mulberry Lunchbox: Or, I've Loved You, Twenty-Two Years Or So" by Laura Vogt
"How To Make Fresh Orange Juice Without a God" by Danielle Warren
"Retribution" by Blayne Waterloo
"Naming The Animals" by Pamela Wax
森闺"Indoor Wood" by Cela Xiè
“For Pleasure For Pain” Kenton K Yee
“"For The Love Of God" by Caitie (Caid) L. Young”
“El Gato” by Gabriel Zamora
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