Naomi Thiers, one poem
After Tornado Warnings Rain, banshee winds, stuttering lightning slashed the sky all night. An hour ago, all the drama stopped....
Winter/Spring Vol 19.1
Naomi Thiers, one poem
Katherine Gekker, four poems
Kailey Tedesco, one poem
Elisavietta Ritchie, three poems
Dana Kinsey, two poems
Carolyn Cecil, three poems
Carol Nolde, five poems
Burgess Needle, three poems
Bill Glose, one poem
Sara O'Donnell Adler, two poems
Richard Fox, three poems
Wendy Schermer, one poem
Sidney Louise Brown, three poems
W. M. Rivera, three poems
Victoria Elizabeth Ruwi, three poems
Featured poet Susanne Bostick Allen, three poems
Sherry Chappelle, one poem
Patrick Loudon, two poems, writer's commentary
Harry G. de Vries, three poems
Gregory Arena, one poem