"Jocelyn's Romance" by Carl Parsons
Winter/Spring Vol 19.1
"The Smell of Lilacs" by Jeremy Althof
"To Move is To Hope" by Scott Hoshida
"The Way Back" by Roi J Tamkin
"The Path to Halfway Falls" by Lynn Levin
"Something Like Angels" by Megan Fahey
"Perfect Hunger" by Mark Miller
"Joe's Toe or the Day I Discovered My Husband is a Pimp" by Jackie Goodwin
"Baby’s Breath" by Christina Hicks
"High Roller"by Steve Legomsky
"Eddie, Lennie, and Berenice" by Steven Leech
"You're Fine By Rebecca L Monroe
"Wolves" by Kenneth Hinegardner
"May You Be Comforted" by Jacob Frommer
"Buying Local" by Dillon McLaughlin
"How to Use Narcan" by Bonnie E. Carlson
"West of West" by Benjamin Woodside Schrier
"Laura and Lacey" by Jean Youkers
"How to Use Narcan" by Bonnie E. Carlson
"Kryztyna's World" by Roger McKnight