Winter/Spring Vol 19.1
Send us beautiful language.
We’re looking for poetry that plumbs the strange and beautiful, surprises us with new perspectives of what language does, and overwhelms us with duende. Traditional form or wildly experimental, blank verse or free, we want you to woo us within an inch of our lives.
We aim to publish the best writing from the Delmarva Peninsula and beyond. We are interested in local and regional perspectives on climate change and its impacts and intersections. We are interested in queer, and BIPOC voices. We are interested in reading translated work from around the globe. These days we prefer CNF, short dialogue-driven fiction. We enjoy speculative fiction. We enjoy the absurd.
Long prose is hard sell.
We publish reviews. We publish micro-reviews. Query broadkillreview@gmail.com or submit via our portal on the submissions page.
For exemplars of what we like, please refer to the following.
“solitaire boys follow me” by Michael Chang
“Moving from House to House” by Paul Jones
“My Huge Basketball IQ” by Jason Koo
“A Narrative Poet Lost in the Lyric Moment” by Irene Fick
“Letter to a Floating Piano” Adam D. Weeks
Desperately Attentive to Life: An Interview with Jason Koo
"The Cinderella of Sunset Park" by SC Martinez
"Pretty Purple Lights" by Ace Boggess
"My Cousin the Carytaid" by Bradley VanDeventer
"The Night of the Jubilee" by Franetta McMillian
"Water Rise" by Dana Kinsey. A one-act play
"The Tiki Villas" by Grace Cavalieri. A ten-minute play
"Thank You For Your Service" by Joseph S. Pete. A ten-minute play
"Crafting the Primal: Danusha Laméris’s Bonfire Opera" by Dion O' Reily
"A look back at Molly Fisk's The More Difficult Beauty" by Jane C. Miller
"Nina Bennett reviews David Graham's latest collection"
"A review of Ricky Ray's Fealty, Eyewear Publishing" by James Bourey
"Alexandria Peary unzips America in "The Battle of Silicon Valley at Daybreak" by Cassandra Whitaker
The Broadkill Review Managing Office
email broadkillreview@gmail.com.
ISSN 1935-0538
See submission page for submission info.
Contact the editor using the email client below, or email us at broadkillreview@gmail.com
The Broadkill Review is an imprint of the Broadkill River Press, which on occasion, such as in 2021, and 2022, is the publisher of The Dogfish Head Poetry Prize. Retired firefighter Greg Lobas of Columbus has won the 20th Annual Dogfish Head Poetry Prize. The Dogfish Head Poetry Prize was created by Sam Calagione, CEO of Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales, and was presented to Lobas on December 10 at Dogfish Head Brewery in Milton, DE, by Calagione and company official Andrew Greeley. Pre-order your copy from Broadkill River Press.
The BKR began as a pdf literary journal in the early 2000s and moved online in 2016. Poetry published in our pages has been read on Prarie Home Companion, NPR, and local public radio affiliates, and selected for The Best of the Net. We nominate for Best of the Net, and Pushcart Prizes, and sometimes nominate for other prizes. We fit in your pocket.
Max Whaley (he/him): reader, social media manager, co-CNF editor. Max is an emerging writer interested in addiction recovery.
Rike Hart (they/them): reader, co-managing editor. Rike is exploring the intersections of poetry and social media.
Meg Ellis (she/they): reader, co-Poetry editor.
Cassandra Whitaker (she/they): reader, co-editor
​Nina Bennett, Contributing Editor
James Bourey, Contributing Editor
Founding editor: Jamie Brown
Editors Emeriti: Jamie Brown, HA Maxson, Linda Blaskey